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bradleytb November 1, 2012 at 11:58 AM

WOW, what a great WEB site!

If you are reading this and have the ability or authority to hire Brent for a job please do so.

If you have read any of his writings on this site or seen his stand up you probably already realize he has the combined qualities of creativeness and intelligence. He doesn't promote this though I think he should. These two attributes allow him to be able to do well at almost everything. Like father, like son. He,however, does not share his dad's lack of modesty.

Brent is one of the finest human beings on the planet. Just ask his mother. Seriously, if you spend anytime with Brent you will find him to be an exemplary person and very easy to know and like. He would be a positive asset to any organization or company, large, small, medium large, medium small, in-between medium small and medium large, etc.

Please hire him.

Caveat: If you think pleading for a job for Brent is a desperate attempt by his father to get him working and off of the family welfare system then you would be wrong, mostly.

Brent's Dad – Brad Blakeney

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